Founded to serve Catholic teachers, administrators, and formators, The Evermode Institute offers a complete curriculum in the fundamentals of our Faith that is confident in its Catholicism and clear in its approach.
Named after St. Evermode, one of St. Norbert’s closest companions and a bishop renowned for his fearless and tireless defense of the Gospel, the Evermode Institute teaches the Faith to those who are most responsible for sharing the Gospel: to Catholic School teachers and administrators, to catechists in parishes, and to parents in families.
The first year of our program begins with a “Back to Basics” course on the way to a full Catholic identity. The full four-year program walks the learner through 12 Courses that track all four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and includes a certification track.
For too long, catechesis has failed to recognize the unique faithlessness and ubiquitous secularism of our age. Nebulous, "values-based" faith formation programs often assume a doctrinal foundation that no longer exists or, worse, ignore this doctrine altogether. This inconsistent, incomplete approach does little to equip our teachers, administrators, and lay catechists with the knowledge they need to proclaim the joy of the Gospel in its full, Catholic expression--to say nothing of the wisdom they need to live their Faith!
Against this crisis of catechesis, the Evermode Institute works to "Raise the Eucharist high over the miseries and errors of this world" (Pope St. John Paul II). The Evermode Institute is a not-for-profit organization based at St. Michael's Abbey in California. With offices in California and at the Corpus Christi Priory in Springfield, IL, the Evermode Institute offers an online catechetical program that is unflinching in its commitment to the Church and charitable in its approach. Where applicable, online learning can be supplemented with virtual "office hours" and in-person retreats and days of recollection.
Get in touchFor over 900 years, Norbertines have served the Church as preachers and teachers of the Gospel. The work of the Institute is grounded in this tradition and flows from the strength and evangelical momentum of St. Michael's Abbey. Hidden in the desert mountains of Southern California, St. Michael's Abbey is monastic life in its traditional sense. More than a house for religious, it is a center of Catholic culture: a place of scholarship, craftsmanship, art, music, hospitality, and prayer.
As the Norbertine presence in Springfield grows, the Corpus Christi Priory will develop into a center for on-site training and formation for Catholic school teachers and administrators, lay catechists, local priests and deacons. In time, this magnificent space may also host those discerning the priesthood for pre-seminary (propaedeutic) formation.
A growing order, The Norbertines are experts in teaching the fullness of the Catholic Faith with conviction, clarity, and charity. The Norbertine's commitment to sharing the Faith finds expression in much of their public ministry, including the Evermode Institute, and in the Abbot's Circle, a first-of-its-kind digital monastery that invites visitors to experience and participate in the beauty of abbey life.